
Showing posts from 2005

Sight is no Carpenter Poetry Reading

One story about good engenders another....

The fascination of Ice Age faces and the unknown past

A gift in the spirit of Christmas

Scientific Evidence Fingers Exceptional Carbon Dioxide levels

Ten years after the Dayton Accords what do we see?

November flutters by as a gold leaf in the cold wind...

Want some informed and thought-provoking comments

China and the wave of the future

Laurie Anderson- Strange Angels

Ours is not to question why...ours is just to figure out

News from the hotspots of the world...

The Horse's Mouth...


You got some splainin' to do, "Merica

Oh you're dragging out that Big Brother stuff again....

Mr. Clean rejected by hand wringing scientists!

Important things first- cancer creeps among my loved ones

Ignorance isn't bliss; it's ignorance! And it's on the rise.

Why our public school system is eroded...

Shameful scary headlines in advance of Halloween....

Spellcheck:the monster

The little stories around the edges sometimes tell more...

screwed up...

and the rest of us Americans

and Bad there a connection?

This man just epitomizes empathy for average folks

I am nearly silenced by the tragedy

Katrina may not be the end of this saga...

I love the Web! Here's a site on Chaos Theory....

What world changing event happened ten years ago this month?

Oil be missing you...

Thinking as opposed to what often passes for thinking

Ghosts of Celilo is one of the best pieces of theater

Quick! Tune your tv! It's the evening news for dummies

More on Intelligent Design and the people who love it...

Twistin' my Thinking? I'm mad as hell

Kaeli Turns 19! That means I'm old...

What are these lynx prowling the sidelines?

The approach of Mars:No One Alive Will Ever See This!

Intelligent Design: Dumb President

Are you dubious about whether there's climate change?

"Koreans clone dog" struck me as somehow ironic this

A link to poems by my good friend, Art Homer

Pulp Fiction or Poplar Mechanics?

The joke you didn't intend to make is often the funniest

Technorati! Technorati! Getcha Latte! Hey Hey Hey!

My apologies to Dr. Johnson, Strunk, White and a host

How hot is it likely to get? Who knows....

Suicide Bombing:Doing the math:Acknowledging the Alien

And now for a completely different kind of experience

Jesus, if my memory serves me, took exception to the

You can't have a conversation about the meaning of something

Dateline:the mountains of east Afghanistan

Three things to worry about....

The most spectacular meteorological images I have

Insect Bites, Def Leppard, and other strange things...