The Horse's Mouth...

A great thing about the Internet is that it provides relatively easy access not just to the media who comment on what's happening but also to the sources for what people think about what's happening. For example, I had a conversation with
my Dad about a book he's reading on the subject of communists in Hollywood in the 50s. The book makes the case that there was a more real communist threat than has been recognized in the post-McCarthy era. Not having read the book I don't know whether it makes its case well or not. I do know that the cover of the book identifies the author as a principal at the Hudson Institute. And the Hudson Institute has a pretty visible presence online which makes its political persuasions clear. Additionally there are commentators online who comment on the Hudson Institute. I've just added a link on my site to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, an interesting institution evaluating international issues. Heard comments on the ? Its website and reports are up at One of the great complaints about the MSM is that it trivializes important stories by reducing them to soundbites and matched quotes from proponents and opponents without providing any base information or depth. We have the ability to get past that with a little delving online. There's no reason we should have a less than informed populace, other than a shortage of time and the willingness to get past the surface of an issue. Do we dare to look straight into the horse's mouth? We can't afford not to.


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