News from the hotspots of the world...

I am frustrated at how difficult it is to find real information on the things happening in the world out there. I was pleased today to see that Yahoo news has a site posted called "Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone". A journalist and photographer who's getting personally into the places in the world where conflict is endemic, Sites is blogging his articles. I found it worth adding to the links here at davidrites. It's one of the places I'd send people who want to know more, not less, about this little blue ball on which we live. For those of you who might want more coverage of who's hot on American Idol, I apologize. I can't be of much help. But there seem to be limitless opportunities to get that kind of information so...go fetch! For the rest of you, take a moment to read one of Sites' pieces. And if you're aware of a great resource for news, comments, analysis....lemme know!


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