
Originally uploaded by Dnorthstar.
It's nearly 3am on Sunday morning and I'm still stunned from being introduced to tonight. In the dark shadowed light of Berbati's Pan, we waited til the witching hour for this Portland band, not knowing exactly what the experience would be like. Well, I can tell you that the reviews that compare them to Coldplay or early U2 are off target. This is a band that sounds like.....themselves! True there are echoes of U2 in the vocal expressions. (Choking is an excellent example.) There are echoes of 80s bands like Duran Duran, but they are echoes. I didn't really hear Coldplay except in the opening chords of Searchlight. And truly, I think they outshine Coldplay-- by furlongs!

Crosstide has tightly crafted, energetic songs. Their harmonies are crisp, distinctive sounds curling around the heart. When they launch into energetic rock 'n roll riffs, the blend is classic- every instrument bringing its flavor to the whole.
From the vocals to the drum kit, it's hot stuff. Matt, Erick, Nick, Rian and Bret have committed to the basics of what makes rock 'n roll great music. And great some of it is.

Crosstides are reputed to be dangerous. I guarantee if you dive into this one, you'll find it pulls you, heart and soul, into its groove.


Anonymous saidā€¦
david- highly enjoyable blog here; i'll have to start keeping up! thanks for the kind words. i was suprised to come upon this- one of the finer appraisals of our band.


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