Intelligent Design: Dumb President

Quoted from the Seattle TImes 8-09-05

"Bush, who is to leave today for a monthlong stay at his Texas ranch, compared the current debate to earlier disputes over "creationism," a related view that adheres more closely to biblical explanations. As governor of Texas, Bush said students should be exposed to both creationism and evolution.
Yesterday the president said he favors the same approach for intelligent design "so people can understand what the debate is about."
The Kansas Board of Education is considering changes to encourage the teaching of intelligent design in Kansas schools, and Christian conservatives are pushing for similar changes in other school districts across the country.
"I think that part of education is to expose people to different schools of thought," Bush said.
"You're asking me whether or not people ought to be exposed to different ideas; the answer is yes.""

President Bush urges that "" be taught in school biology classes alongside the theory of evolution. Reaching way back to my blog on the difference between 'beliefs' and 'theories', I find myself groaning uncontrollably with, perhaps, just a hint of foaming at the mouth.

First. I think the President is smarter than that. I know he's not reputed to be the sharpest knife in the Ginsu set but he did go to that Ivy League college. I can't believe that he doesn't clearly understand that difference. Even if he hasn't read my blog. So that means his pronouncement this week on the subject is simple pandering. Leaning over and blowing kisses to his base. Not unexpected but I don't think it increases people's level of confidence in anything he says.

Second. I saw an editorial cartoon which called forth parallel suggestions using the line of thinking the President espoused above. I thought it was hilarious. For example, we should teach alchemy along with chemistry. They're just different schools of thought. How about astrology along with astronomy? Physics and Magic? For that matter, why not teach Scientology as a theory along with psychology. The possibilities become numerous and frightening.

Parsing the question of why these ideas are patently ridiculous and the intelligent design idea is not can't be done simply by appealing to the "scientific form" intelligent design uses. Intelligent design has not proposed and demonstrated replicable results in scientifically constructed tests that support its contentions. Without that, there is no theory. Simply an assertion.

Last. I find it terribly ironic that the President who has made such a big deal about not leaving any child behind, is suggesting that we dumb down American education to the level that American children will think that there's not a difference and won't have the evaluative tools to know. We keep hearing how hard students are working around the world to master the sciences because they believe it is their door to the Twenty First century. For American children, the door may be the exit.


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Hey Daddy. Just wanted to let you know that I've stopped friends-onlying my entries, so you're welcome to read them.

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