Twistin' my Thinking? I'm mad as hell

and I'm not gonna take it anymore! That line went out of fashion a long time ago. But that's the way I feel a lot these days when I read what a variety of organizations dump into the information hopper. I thought the Swift Boat Veterans group last fall were lower than low. They weren't interested in their fellow citizens actually having the facts in order to make a good decision. They were propagandizing scum. So I get heated at the new NARAL campaign which implicitly puts Judge Roberts right behind the hooded figures throwing fire bombs into abortion clinics with a match in his hand. They had a legitimate case to make in arguing that Roberts and his boss at Justice didn't need to get involved in the court case under consideration. That case was about protestors right (or not) to block access to buildings and whether a specific law from the past could be used to stop them. Some of the organizations involved in the case have very incendiary views about stopping abortion, but there was nothing about 'bombs' in the case. So NARAL's ads showing a bombed abortion clinic from an entirely different time and place with a voiceover stating that Robert's aligned himself with bombers are dishonest. Much like the Swift Boat Veterans campaign it tries to twist what we know.

God! Life is hard enough to figure out without people trying to mislead on every side. I seem to hear the resonant chant of voices everywhere whose goal is to drown out reason and facts and ignite the fire of polarization.

Like I said. I'm mad as hell....


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