Three things to worry about....

No.1 The Washington Post story this week that says Iraqi 'security forces' are sometimes engaging in torture to extract confessions from the insurgents they capture. The article came out 6/20 off the LA Times/Washington Post service. The article further says that the tactics, though not universal, are 'reminiscent of Saddam's regime'. OK. Reality would suggest that reversion to tactics like torture is likely in the new Iraq because many of the people who practiced it earlier are the same ones filling the new jobs. It wasn't just about Saddam.

No. 2 The fact that a convoy in Fallujah was hit by a suicide bomber who targetted and killed and wounded women Marines. The city that was cleansed of its 300,000 inhabitants so that our forces could go in and cauterize the insurgents hiding there is now supposed to be under control. We have a cordon around the city, only letting in people who pass our vaunted ID checks. The car bombing suggests that the theory isn't working. Maybe...just maybe we can't swat this fly.

No. 3 The fact that people from Amnesty Intl to the US Senate are using hyperbole to attack the Bush policy- hyperbole that discredits the substance of what they say. The 'gulag' and "hitlerian' references are terrible because they detract from the hard cold reality of what's being said and provide an opportunity to quibble about words not facts. Cheap adjectives aren't helpful if they aren't apt. At the other end of the spectrum, Karl Rove's scurrilous comments about liberals this week-they just wanted to provide therapy to our attackers after 9/11- were unforgivable.
Karl- you've never set foot in a war zone as a combatant. You should be ashamed.

more later....


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