Laurie Anderson- Strange Angels

Just revisited and Strange Angels after a long discussion last night with my son, Sean, about the new album from Imogene Heap of . She uses a vocorder and we were discussing the difficulties of using that technology without it seeming hokey and that led me to Laurie Anderson. So I realized I don't have anything but White Whale in the playlist and found myself reaching back and downloading a selection of wonderful pieces from Strange Angels. Hiawatha has always been one of my favorites. I find myself thinking about how long ago I first heard this....whoa.

Oh....and the thirty year retake on from Various Artists. With all due respect. Can't be done.

Then Sean and I had to have a little confab about . He hears REM which I'd missed entirely. Still think it's worthwhile to log on and listen to "Choking" . These guys have the goods.


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