April Fool's day already come and gone. I was told that the origins of April Fool's come from the medieval transition from the old calendar system to the Gregorian. April first had originally been the first day of the new year. Since it changed, those who hadn't kept up with the numbering system and were making errors were 'April Fools'....I know some people who felt that way about the daylight savings time change. Perhaps that's true, but I've learned that things often have more than one 'well founded' explanation.

I was charmed last week to have my friend Karen in Texas say that she'd actually logged onto this journal and read it. I haven't broadcast the url and I am ambivalent about whether I'm writing this as my own exercise or whether I really want an audience. But I felt validated to know that someone has read it. I have browsed through other blogs occasionally. Some are interesting, but many more are....well....awful. Giving typewriters to monkeys might increase the chance that one will write the Bible or some other tome, but it also means that the monkeyworld will be adrift in sheets of meaningless keystrokes. Blogs are sort of like that.
Yesterday's paper had a travel article that there is now a Da Vinci Code tour available at the Louvre! I don't think I've expressed my opinion of the book. I was not impressed. To me it read like a string of incidents and places whose real purpose was to reveal, bit by bit, the author's "puzzle", the truth about the Grail. The characters, motivations, etc. were thin as a patina of chrome on a potmetal trophy. As a lifelong believer that something substantial lies behind the Grail mythology, I found the story less than exciting. My parents are terrified that the book is damaging the ideas millions of people have about Jesus and Christianity. I think that's unlikely. I think the book trivializes some things from the past that are worth pondering because they are anomalies. So. I read it, but I'd give it a 3 out of 10. Now, I just finished another novel, the Dante Club, that is a real novel! A 7.5 out of 10.
I've just looked at the clock and realize I must go off to work. More later.
It's a cool gray spring day. A Monday. The scent of flowers is still heavy in the air. I live in a wonderful place.


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