Hot Water, Sardines and a collapsing food chain.

In 2022 I read the article below about the sardine fishery and warming water's effect on aquatic life.  At the time I also was reading about changing ocean chemistry threatening our regional marine food sources such as the oyster beds along the Pacific Coast and declining runs of anadromous fish in the rivers along that coastline.  This week, Mother Jones reports on a more global look at this phenomenon.  As far as I can tell the population in general aren't taking this very seriously.  I don't see changing behaviors.  I am sad to say so. 

collapse of Pacific sardine fishery 3/16 affects marine animals higher up the food chain but may result from rapid decline of cold water plankton which are the sardine's food source.  The fishery is being closed because the sardine population is judged to be at 65k tons and the minimum for the fishery to be open and viable is judged to be at 160k tons.


Davidrites saidā€¦
I reserve the right to post comments to my own posts. In the past month, similar news has made headlines regarding the Alaskan 'snow crab' fishery.

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