Jurassic Chernobyl?

I did a doubletake while listening to a radio news report yesterday. Apparently the area around Chernobyl has become a rich haven for increasingly varied wildlife since the radiation zone has largely been vacated by humans. The story continued that some species of animal long absent from this region had been seen, for example lynx. While noting that no sign of the 50s Science Fiction movie staple "three eyed monsters" or their cousins had been seen, I began to wonder how many generations it would take for these critters to breed into strongly radiation resistant mutants. What really caught my attention though was an idea apparently floated by the government that the "zone" might become a hunting reserve where people would pay for the privilege of going after whatever lurks there. That suddenly sounded a lot like a movie about a 'preserve of dinosaurs'...a movie that ended badly. A related story a month or so ago talked about thriving fungus in the heart of Chernobyl living by a process equivalent to photosynthesis where the radiation replaces the sunlight. Hmmmm......Is that a rust fungus on that lynx? What caliber shotgun do I use for that?


Anonymous saidā€¦
Ever think that maybe they're pointedly congregating there not just for protection from the human race, but also to show us how much they hate us. "Hey! Buddy! You know those jerks that killed Johnson for fun? I hear there's this place where they don't go. Whadda ya say we evolve enough to be resistant to the stuff that's keeping them out and then we can have the place all to ourselves?"
Just a thought....

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