The first day of summer approaches

Tomorrow, if my appointment book is correct, is the Summer Solstice, the first day of summer and the longest day of the year. Sadly, in my life, the longest and shortest days are measured less by the hours of sunlight and more by the laundry list of obligations and opportunities cluttering my calendar. I will make every effort to stop long enough tomorrow to watch the clouds clutter the blue dome of the sky, to listen to a robin, to let the heat of the day be satisfying instead of stifling. As I was writing I looked at the forecast for tomorrow and realized that the prediction is for rain and sultry weather. Ah well....I will resolve to make peace with that as well. The past three weeks have been a whirlwind; my parents in an accident, a friend's death, work issues. And a half dozen other challenges. Dozens of articles and events caught my attention in that time, but I just couldn't stop long enough to blog them. I'll be better soon. Oh, and one important note was that Father's Day reminded me how much joy I have in my children. Thanks to you all.


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