It may not be a canary in the coal mine, it may be a

frog. Scientists who study the critters worldwide have concurred that there is a global extinction of a variety of froggy species going on. The central cause appears to be a fungus, but there may be other factors making the frogs more vulnerable to the fungus' effects. A similar situation occurs when humans with impaired immune systems die from afflictions that would be an irritant to most. In an interview I heard recently, the researcher speaking said they were still trying to understand the mechanics of what they were observing, that a connection with climate change might be a contributing factor, and that there were not enough resources being applied to forestall this happening. Why bother to save the frogs?
The researcher noted that the elimination of an entire class of vertebrates would have a cascading impact in ecosystems where they are a key component. Ecosystems all over the world. I wish that it were only frogs we have to be concerned about.


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