Astonishing things exist all around us

I was just reading an article online from Scientific American. The article recounted the phenomenon of a tribe of ants who 'farm' fungus and have been discovered to grow and carry and antibiotic which kills invasive fungi. " For the past few millennia, ants of the Attini tribe have tended gardens of fungus that they eat. Over the past few decades scientists have studied these agricultural insects, trying to understand how their gardens grew in the first place. Now a group of scientists have discovered that the ants carry a potent antibiotic bacteria in special pockets on their bodies that help control a parasite that can ruin their fungus harvest." I think how amazing it is that most of the activities described in this article are things we not so long since reserved as the activities of humans. What a marvelous world it is!

And yet, no ants that I've ever heard of have gathered a small group of friends and family on a rainy night to listen to a guitar based rendering of Emily Dickinson as 'talkin' blues'. Similarly, no ant I am aware of has ever taken the time to create an elaborate puzzle as a Christmas present. I've had these sorts of experiences recently and felt how marvelous they are in their own right.

The rain this month has been unseasonally heavy, sending those coastal rivers and Willamette Valley feeder streams to the edges of their soaked green banks. Shawls of cloud have cloaked the mountains and we have felt the rain, falling in cold large drops, on our upturned faces.

This Friday, I hop a plane with twenty or so of my best friends to play soccer in the ancient guys division at the Martin Luther King Cup in Las Vegas. An adventure somewhat akin to setting off on a Crusade in the 12th Century. Though not fraught with quite so much danger. Yes, once more, FC77 Mojos will sally forth in their gold jerseys and (for some) fairy wings with the goal of having a great time, drinking beer, and winning at least one game. More details exist (for the brave) at FC77 Old Nick's website. Without making too big a thing of it, I must say that I have never seen ants field a decent side for soccer either.

Well, enough new year ranting. For now.


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