Isn't "gay republican male escort journalist" an oxymoron?

If you haven't already, you owe it to yourself to check out the "Jeff Gannon" story- thoroughly. My question is how a man who ran websites such as US Man Corps, advertising his "attributes" as a male escort in a most obvious way, managed to get enough of a security clearance to be seated as a "news reporter" in White House Press Conferences. Just feet away from the President! Who happened to pick him to ask questions- more than once! Other than demonstrating his "long suit" on his websites, the man (Gannon is a pseudonym) was trained as a "journalist" through a $50 weekend seminar on the subject of journalism. And that seminar happens to be a product offered by a longtime, conservative Republican run organization...

The Administration repeatedly emphasizes our needs for security. And in fact removed dozens of people from campaign speeches and rallies simply because of words written on their t-shirts or because they were believed to disagree with Candidate Bush. SO! They let this guy in? Wow!

Following on the heels of the news that the White House was paying other "journalists" to promote administration positions, the news that they somehow missed the complete lack of credibility- not to mention clothes- that this guy exhibited astonishes!

Even odder to me, though, is the low key way this story is being carried on the mainstream press circuit. Google "Jeff Gannon" on the NBC website and the only story that pops up is a mention on Jay Leno! What's going on here? This is the shameless liberal media! Isn't it? Or is it the scared media? Nobody wants to be the next Dan Rather?

No matter how I look at this- it scares me.

For a look at "Gannon's" impact on national politics beyond the White House Press Room check the link below-

For more info on the sexual side of "Gannon's" business dealings, visit


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