The first daffodil and the word "mondegreen"

have nothing to do with each other...that I can think of. Today, though, I noticed that the first daffodil unfurled its tilted golden head along the walk. A welcome sight on this sunny day. And I find the leanings in my heart turning with just a slight creaking sound toward memories of springtime and hope and warm sun and fragrant air. Ah the cycles of the years spin back far enough I can't say for certain that I 'remember' or I've 'mythologized'.

The word mondegreen popped up as I was looking for the meaning of "hebe jeebie". Was happy to find an entertaining column online called The Word Detective that gave me both and more. Words, particularly in English, are such wonderful creations. I liked mondegreen.

"Lou sees in this guy with diamonds." Or something similar.


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