Ethnic education classes? Divisive?

I have been reading comments on Arizona's recent approval of a law that forbids 'ethnic education' in a variety of circumstances.   Without belaboring the details,  the description of the law would outlaw teaching about the Nazis and the Holocaust because the subject matter tends to focus on a particular ethnic group,  might create hostility,  and doesn't encourage us to 'all just get along 'cause we all part of the same big family and all had the same parents'.  At least that's how it sounds.  But then another interpretation of the legislation might be that teaching 'traditional' American history would also be forbidden.  It tends to focus on the history of one large ethnic group and does so in a way that could create hostility and alienation among other groups.  Okay.  I'm over simplifying but the premises of this law are so ill-defined and rooted in dubious assumptions that the absurd is dancing around the edges of the firelight and cackling to be let in.   Sad.  Very sad.


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