Thanksgiving is already in the rearview mirror

How did it get from the week of the election to the beginning of December? I find myself tumbling through the weeks much as if I were being carried headlong down a winter stream. The last entry I wrote expressed my good feelings at our President-elect, his demeanor, and what it portends. After nearly four weeks, I am still being impressed. Obama has been measured, thoughtful, unflappable, and smart. Hard to remember that it was in those past few weeks that the economy came completely unglued. Very memorable though is the President Elect making his first statements about the economic storm with a who's who of the economic world arrayed behind him. The ping pong behavior of the stock market, the strategic moves to create bailout funds, the terrorist attack in Mumbai, the pirating of a supertanker all amaze me since they've unfolded in such a short time. This past month also saw the first anniversary of Dad's death. The Porter clan gathered, some for Mass, and more after at Deschutes Brewery for a meal, some beverages, and many stories and reminiscences. I find myself looking forward and thinking that I need to look for ways to echo the good things I see happening with our new leaders. I need to find ways to make changes for the better, to be calm and thoughtful, and to help others in their progress as well.


Anonymous saidā€¦
It's funny...I found myself thinking the same thing today, but for different reasons. After rediscovering the Hunger Site, Alex and I have had the urge to help people in the back of our heads. Then just today a stranger walked by and complimented me on my skirt (not in a creepy way, it was very sincere). Then we were watching one of those darling reality shows about millionaires giving to the less fortunate. And to top it off, I had a long conversation with Dr. Paul about my future. All of it just seems to point me towards the need to give what I can somehow.

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