A suggestion for Google Maps

Google would be doing a service to humanity if it were possible to add a satellite view of the Eastern Garbage Patch to its Google Maps function. The Garbage Patch, as cited below in a recent article from Scientific American, is a phenomenon with serious implications, particularly considering the relatively short time plastics have been in common use. If people could go online and get a 'zoom view' of this place it would make it real in ways otherwise hard to grasp.

"California-based sea captain and ocean researcher Charles Moore discovered what is now known as the Eastern Garbage Patch—an aggregation of plastic and other marine debris occupying some 700,000 square kilometers in the North Pacific Ocean—during a crossing of the North Pacific in 1997. In a 2003 article in Natural History Magazine, Moore reported being astounded that he couldn’t be further from land anywhere on Earth yet he could see plastic bags and other debris coating the ocean’s surface as far as the eye could see."


Claire, said…
Great suggestion, I hear it's twice the size as state of Texas. And that waste from Asia, Russia, USA and everywhere, can be found there. The gratuitus packaging of every product... so grim, what have we done?...

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