Fist Bump the new thing? What about butt slap?

I was intrigued today to see a news headline talking about how the "fist bump" (pound) was the newest hot thing since the Obamas exchanged one on stage as he celebrated his nomination earlier this week. In fact, this online news story included a double replay of the Obamas very cute and triumphal gesture. But as I watched it through the second time, I realized that the "fist bump" wasn't the only gesture our new presidential candidate made. If I am not mistaken, he follows his departing wife with an affectionate slap on the posterior. From my perspective, the whole thing looked immensely normal....a lot like people I know. I liked it and I've been a Clinton supporter! But I am struck that no one has even mentioned the later gesture, one I venture not many presidential candidates have made in public.

Maybe I'm seeing things. The YouTube clip attached allows you to decide. When all was said and done, I found myself liking the Obamas. 'Bout time we got to vote for people who act like real people.


Oregonian37 saidā€¦
Right on. As for the second gesture, he could have simply been patting the small of her back. You are right, it is hard to tell on this video.

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