Portland Sports Fans and YouTube

I really enjoy going to You Tube after a Timbers' match to see if people have posted up some of the game highlights. Miguel Guantes' goal against Minnesota the other night, for example. There are currently 280 YouTube segments for the Timbers online. I suddenly wondered what fans of Portland's other teams did in terms of YouTube. The results were interesting. The Trailblazers in their revival season this year had 1,080 postings. Not surprising considering the resurgence of interest in the new, young team. I was paying attention to the Blazers for heaven sakes! The Portland Beavers? Not so much. A mere 80 postings which was matched by the Portland Winterhawks. Neither the Beavers nor the Winterhawks are lighting a fire under their leagues, so maybe that's not surprising. The Lumberjax, despite having a pretty competitive season, only registered 81 postings. Certainly not for lack of exciting game footage. Relative to their visibility, budget, and standing, I'd say the Timbers fan enthusiasm online is equal to that of our NBA team. And I'd say the lack of postings in the other sports may suggest that the demographic they're drawing isn't the YouTube set. My only regret? That there wasn't a posting of Suzuki's sterling goal against Seattle! Or, for that matter, of any of his maneuvers with the ball. He's been fun to watch. And there's an entire section of Suzuki's past exploits on YouTube---37 to be exact. I love it.


Lucas saidā€¦
Suzuki's sterling goal against Seattle!

= http://youtube.com/watch?v=neYYdrTwuUc

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