Criticizing the 'boomers'...

I ran across a torrent of 'youth' postings whose screed swabbed across the fat, self-absorbed, materialist, people in their 'middle age'. The idea that these people define my generation is as wrong as the idea that all thirty somethings are slackers. My response below.

Interesting to see the fierce opprobrium aimed at "my generation". Seems like folks forget that some of us--not all but some---joined the Peace Corps because we thought helping the world was our duty. That many of us signed on in 'Nam because we thought, despite misgivings, that it was the right thing to do. That others of us were shot at in the streets of America--I bear that badge-- because we disagreed with the leadership of the time. There are navel-chewing Boomers who are piling their possessions in big heaps and having tummy tucks. But don't think those were the people who set the character of the generation. I am out here and I'm the one you should fear--I'm blue collar. I work harder than you'll ever work and I have since I was twelve. I never got a free ride anywhere, but I wasn't afraid to hitchhike where I needed to go. I still have grit under my nails. I have raised children- good and bad- and now I'm taking care of parents whose challenges and infirmaties are not pretty and don't go away. You are counting the minutes until my generation is gone....go ahead. You may change your mind. I have children who are probably your age. They stand out because their voices are raised about what they can do to make their world better not what someone did to them. They aren't whiners.

It's not about generations. It's about character.


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