Poking Iranians in the eye...

I am struck with astonishment at the recent discussions over the Administration's announcement that American forces in Iraq are allowed to kill Iranians or Iranian agents who are actively opposing our efforts to build a stable Iraq. Such a pronouncement, like the opening of a special season on cougars, gets a lot of attention even if it doesn't have all the good ol' boys pulling on their boots and cleaning their rifles. Most of the guys who live in cougar country probably know quite well how few feline targets there are out there. What made this pronouncement notable to me is that, according to news reports for the past three years, we've been shooting Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese, Yemeni, Saudi and other nationals with impunity when they join the show as 'enemy combatants'. Truth be told, no one needed to have an "open season" banner posted for such folks. So why Iranians? If they're engaging in providing 'aid and comfort to the enemy' we kill 'em. No license needed. Truly, I can't help but think that this pronouncement is intended as a simple poke in the eye to Iran, since they're not cooperating with our 'big picture' objectives. And, if that's true, it's a sad commentary on the maturity of our diplomatic efforts. It's more schoolyard than schooled. It ranks up with the 'mission accomplished' banner....evidence that it's really hard to find your way out of a small mind.


Vann saidā€¦
Becoz the Iranian Leaders against the will of the UNcle Sam Bushy..and Tony Be-liar..:)

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