Potpourri! My mind is not able to focus...

Ali Farke Tourai died. Great musician from Mali. One of the reasons that WORLD music has had the appeal it has. I will miss him.

Homestarrunner. If you don't know about Homestar you need to. Luckily I have offspring who clue me into these things.
StrongBad's email is a hoot....

I'm reading Friedman's "The World is Flat" in which the leadership of Google waxes eloquent on the fact that their presence "doesn't discriminate against anyone unless they don't have a computer." This plays thin when the same execs decide to sacrifice the principles they brag about to Friedman when they confront the economic behemoth of China. Sad. Money wins out over principle. Again.

Today an Iraqi Sunni general in charge of one of the strong military brigades in Bagdad is pinpoint shot in the head as he steps out of his hummer. Such an event suggests strongly that our values and objectives aren't the operative norm in Iraq.
Despite the blood and resources of thousands of Americans. Do we really understand the environment we're in? I doubt it.

Like I said. Potpourri....


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