Everything since Christmas

Good Heavens time goes swiftly. Did I have a good Christmas? Absolutely! I got the pleasure of watching my children puzzle out their collective present not bought in any store. I had the unbeatable pleasure of two days with my wife at the Coast in stormy weather. A king's ransom for more such! And that pleasure was heightened by the presence of my friend, Art and his wonderful partner, Allison, for an afternoon at the edge of the frothing Pacific (an oxymoron). I had the splendid pleasure of having all my children in town for a few sweet hours.

And so, here we are on the far side of the breaking apart of the years, and we slide into '06 (ought six). I look over my shoulder and marvel that Double Nought is so far in the distant past already. But we soldier on.

God I am blessed! My life is so rich I can barely keep the cream of it in the cup!

humbly I say thanks.


Anonymous saidā€¦
Hey dad, it was a pleasure to be there with you guys.


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