What's another year doing lurking around the corner?

Seems difficult to imagine that we're already here. And another year is poised on the threshold, just hours away. Rainy and gloomy tonight here in the Pacific NW. Though we're glad we're not on the Indian Ocean or in Los Angeles, etc. etc......seems that this is a kinder place to be. And we've much to be thankful for. Sadly, at the moment, I don't have time to ruminate....
Suffice to say Mar and I did get two days-glorious ones- at the beach.
The book, ENOUGH, by McKibben is mandatory reading.
Simplicity is my watchword for the year to come. I intend to simplify- give away and focus.
The rain tonight is rattling at my window.
Time to go for the moment.
My love and warmest wishes to you all.


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