Listening to Rush Limbaugh on Election Eve


Not something I have the stomach to do very often but yesterday I tuned into Rush on my car radio. Perhaps there are days he's not like this, but his measured sonorous and derisive tones made what he was saying seem all the more disturbing. He, for example, made many comments about "the Democrats" as liars, people without morals, Osama lovers, defeatists.
Not about 'some Democrats' but about Democrats. I have noticed a trend recently to attempt to 'demonize' people who don't agree with the Right. But that's another subject.
Two things struck me as I listened to Limbaugh. One was the logic structures that he uses.
For example, he talked at length about how 'everything changed' after Sept. 11 and how important it was to realize that we were "at war" with a deadly enemy. Moments later, he talked about how Osama Bin Laden wasn't powerful enough to do more than 'send us a video' as his October surprise. I can't quite reconcile the two views. I personally think terrorists are deadly and need to be taken on militarily and politically. I don't think that they are 'so powerful' that we should change our lives dramatically because they're out there. I also don't think we will ever get rid of all terrrorists-there are new terrorists being made for new reasons all the time.
The second thing that struck me was Limbaugh's closing statements. He said that in the America he thought he knew, he couldn't imagine nearly half the people voting against George Bush. I had said almost exactly the same thing just days earlier- except that I expressed the opposite sentiment. And that by itself took me aback. I found myself wondering if I were like Rush in other ways.....ugh!
My final comment? If you haven't already- VOTE!


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