Terror before the election or not? That is the question.

Hey! Tonight's headlines say- in the usual vague and Orwellian terms that the government has reverted to- that there is a possibility of a terror attack before the election.....'cause Al Queda would like to get the 'prestige' from such a strike!!! Wow!
Too bad there's no real concrete info about anything and the most recent 'informant' has been discredited... Well, I am wondering in my suspicious way, who would benefit the most from a "terrorist' attack? Bush or Kerry? I would posit that Kerry could say that Bush has obviously failed to protect us adequately if it happened, but I think (SADLY) that the greater number of people would feel they needed to 'rally 'round the flag' and ipso facto our 'leader' if there were an attack. So. If the President feels that there's a real risk he'd lose the election, what would be the 'cost/benefit' equation for staging a terrorist scare- something not too costly in human lives- just to push those wavering voters into the loyalist column.....I am really disturbed that I can even imagine such an evil thought- but I can.


Jim saidā€¦
It really isn't that far out a fear.

Google "Operation Northwoods".

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