Okay okay....so there's a size limit on images. I now get it and have cropped and scrapped the pic down to a realistic size. So Mar and me on the beach in the dusk comes up when someone looks at my profile. So, I'm a slow learner.....at least I'm a learner! It's Friday night and the cool wind and changing weather are soughing in the window-singing September. I've got Bon Jovi singing on iTunes. I'm thinking about all those people huddled in their homes in Jamaica as hurricane Ivan screams down on them...wish I could help. And I've gotta be at work at 7ish tomorrow, so what am I doingup now???? Good lord.
Fall soccer season starts Sunday. Our twenty seventh year? God! I am so lucky to be still playing. Back to the pix. I went to the profile section and started clicking on the 'key words' in my profile. What did I find? I am SO OLD! The vast majority of people who share my key words are in their early twenties! What the hey?

OK "Comin' Back to Me' " by the Jefferson Airplane is sliding into iTunes. I was 16 when this came out. Debbie Gatto. Tisa McKinney who's now long dead. Susan McGill. Marilyn, of course. Joann. Dianne Taber. ....those years were so emotionally wrenching. So exhilirating and so sad and so angry. Well....that's another set of stories.

Peace be with all of you- my brothers and sisters.


Unknown saidā€¦
I am looking for in nformation on Tisa McKinney and Debbie Gatto, two childhood friends from Portalnd, Oregon. I would very much appreciate information you may have.

marc modica

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