Getting toward the dimmer gray part of the afternoon. I've transported children- choir and other errands...too soon that will all be past. And I'm enjoying a nice glass of Crane Lake Cabernet, found for $30 a case at Rite Aid and very drinkable at that can keep your "two buck chuck". Rumor has it that my honey's on her way with dinner and plans to go see Troy....I know it doesn't follow the book. I've been looking at the Greek Villas for rent site....Skopelos appears to have lovely places available in early June for $ 100 a night. I am so ready to go....but that's a year away.
So that radical publication, the Oregonian, a generally Republican paper, editorializes in its columns this morning that it was, as they politely said "misleading" to "Trumpet certain programs while trying to cut them". Their reference is to the Bush administration, that center of integrity, which is taking credit for programs which the Congress salvaged despite the President's efforts to cut them. Examples? A community policing program he slached by 87% from $756 to $97 million. He repeatedly tried to end a grant program which helps states aid people with no health insurance. He tried to chop a rural health program by 72 percent from $ 39.6 million to $ 11 million. Congress rejected the moves. So now the White House is taking credit for them. Who was it that kept talking about Bill Clinton being a liar? I wanna puke.
But I don't really feel too strongly about this. The saddest thing is most people probably will never get the facts. As usual.


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