Today is a gorgeous and blessed Saturday. I woke after a good night's sleep with my darling Mary at my side. We got up, made coffee, and read the paper together sitting in the white plastic chairs out on the lawn. The morning air was cool as suits September but the sun beaming down was radiant on our skin. Overhead, squirrels were bringing walnuts, not even ripe yet, back to the big cedar for the winter. They have been burying some of them in my flower pots which wreaks havoc with the plants. This day, as I said, is a blessing. Later I fixed my daughter pancakes from scratch and we yacked a little. This afternoon, I went to the memorial for Jim. Rick Sugg was there, down from Seattle where he is primary caregiver for Alison the woman he loves who is dying. The memorial was wonderful. Evoking memories. Rick reminded me that Jim was with us at the ranch and of an adventure we'd had landing a rainbow trout by hand. Something I'd forgotten. This day, as I said, is a blessing.


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